Athlete's Foot

Symptoms, Causes and Treatment


Most individuals with athlete’s foot have no symptoms at all and do not even know they have an infection. Many may think they simply have dry skin on the soles of their feet. Common symptoms of athlete’s foot typically include various degrees of itching and burning. The skin may frequently peel, and in particularly severe cases, there may be some cracking, pain, and bleeding as well. Rarely, athlete’s foot can blister (called bullous tinea pedis)

There are three types of athletes foot:
1) Soles of the feet, also called “moccasin” type
2) Between the toes, also called interdigitally type
3) And inflammatory type with blistering called bullous tinea pedis


A skin infection caused by a fungus called Trichophyton which can thrive and infect the upper layer of the skin when the feet (or other areas of the body) remain moist, warm, and irritated. The fungus can be found on floors and in socks and clothing and can be spread from person to person by contact with these objects. However, without proper growing conditions (a warm, moist environment), the fungus will not infect the skin.


Our professionals at FHP Group will assess the affected areas, a treatment plan and advise on how to reduce the infection, such as change of socks once or twice a day, and keeping the area clean and dry and use absorbent socks like cotton that wick water away from your feet may help, supporting products to clear the infection.